The Mummy (1959)
Movie Summary
Three archaeologists searching for the 4,000-year-old tomb of Princess Ananka among the ruins in Egypt are warned of grave consequences if they violate her tomb. Madness strikes one and as the others return to England with a mummy a series of murders take place as the mummy destroys those who desecrated the secret tomb.
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This movie normally airs throughout the holiday season on the Turner Classic Movies. For a complete schedule of dates and times, please click here.
Year Released
Cast Includes
Peter Cushing (John Banning), Christopher Lee (Kharis), Yvonne Furneaux (Isobel Banning), Eddie Byrne (Inspector Mulrooney), George Pastell (Mehemet Bey), Felix Aylmer (Stephen Banning), Raymond Huntley (Joseph Whemple), Michael Ripper (Poacher), Harold Goodwin (Pat)
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